White House: sending 'everything we can' to New York

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro listens to a news conference outside of the West Wing of the White House

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The federal government is sending "everything we can" to New York to help with the surging coronavirus update there, including ventilators, gloves and masks for its hospitals, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said on Thursday.

"There will be more to follow - we're sending half a million gloves, hundreds of thousands of face masks," Navarro said in an interview with Fox News. "What I can tell you is that we're jamming the channel as fast as we can. We know that New York is not only a hotspot, but your hospital system there is overburdened now because of this sure and we're basically sneding everything we can to help."

(Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)