White Lotus star Haley Lu Richardson shares why she rejected Midsommar

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Why White Lotus star rejected Midsommar roleJoe Scarnici/Getty Images for Variety

Haley Lu Richardson has shared that she was approached for the Ari Aster film Midsommar, but didn't even bother to take a meeting.

Explaining her reasons for rejecting the acclaimed film, the White Lotus star said she'd already had her fill of disturbing movies.

"I remember reading it; it was such a well-written, creepy script," she told In the Envelope: The Actor's Podcast.

haley lu richardson white lotus
Fabio Lovino/HBO - HBO

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"I actually still haven't seen the movie because I kind of can't bring myself to watch it. They wanted to meet me."

The previous year Richardson had appeared in the James McCoy movie Split, playing one of the teenage girls McAvoy's character kidnaps.

"And I was like, I don't want to do another disturbing movie right now. I just don't have it in me, going around and crying at these disturbing things," she added.

"It wasn't something that I wanted, and I felt really strongly about that. So I didn't even take the meeting."

Speaking about if she regrets the decision, she aded: "That's a pretty iconic movie, isn't it? But I do think that everything happens the way that it's supposed to.

"There was a reason I didn't have it in me. And also, Florence Pugh is just such a good actor."

Pugh, who played Dani in the film, recently opened up about the depths she went to so she could get into character for the Horror.

florence pugh as dani in midsommar

"When I did it, I was so wrapped up in her and I’ve never had this ever before with any of my characters," she said on the Off Menu podcast.

"I’d never played someone that was in that much pain before, and I would put myself in really shitty situations that maybe other actors don’t need to do but I would just be imagining the worst things.

"Each day the content would be getting more weird and harder to do," she continued.

"I was putting things in my head that were getting worse and more bleak. I think by the end I probably, most definitely abused my own self in order to get that performance."

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