Whole CNN Set Loses It After Watching Video Of Sea Lions Chasing Beachgoers

A viral video of two sea lions flopping full-speed toward startled beachgoers sent a whole CNN studio into a laughing fit on Wednesday.

CNN anchors Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell giggled their way through the clip, which shows dozens of people at San Diego’s La Jolla Cove making a run for it as two sea lions waddle toward them in haste.

“Look how fast they move. I didn’t think that they could waddle quite that fast,” Camerota exclaimed.

“The woman who took the video said someone was trying to take a photo of them when they suddenly woke up,” she added.

Blackwell, at this point, could barely contain his laughter.

“I don’t know why. I just imagine their little sea lion voices cursing these people out and chasing them,” he said.

Multiple people off-screen could be heard cracking up at this point.

According to sea lion experts, the animals probably weren’t after the people at all. Both are male; the leading sea lion was most likely being chased by the other. The animals spar at this time of year over which females they can get.

“This behavior is not uncommon at all. The reason why the video has gotten like 10 millions views is because everybody is running like Godzilla is chasing them,” SeaWorld San Diego sea lion expert Eric Otjen told The Guardian.

“It may look funny that everybody is running, but it’s not a bad choice. You don’t want to be caught in the crossfire.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.