Widow of man who died in care home cries as Matt Hancock arrives at Covid inquiry

Widow of man who died in care home cries as Matt Hancock arrives at Covid inquiry

A widow of an actor who died after he contracted Covid-19 in a care home sobbed as she confronted Matt Hancock when he arrived at an inquiry into the pandemic on Tuesday, 27 June.

Lorelei King could not say goodbye to her dying husband Vincent Marzello in March 2020.

The actress held up a picture of the former health secretary shaking her husband’s hand next to an image of Marzello’s coffin.

“You shook my husband’s hand for your photo op... This was my photo op after your ‘ring of protection’ around care homes,” text next to the pictures read.

In 2022, a court ruled that the government policy of discharging patients to care homes during the early stages of the pandemic was unlawful.