WikiLeaks releases hacked Democratic National Committee audio files

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appears on screen via video link during his participation as a guest panelist in an International Seminar on the 60th anniversary of the college of Journalists of Chile in Santiago, Chile, July 12, 2016. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks released files on Wednesday of what it said were audio recordings pulled from the emails of the Democratic National Committee that were obtained by hacking its servers. The latest release, which came in the middle of the Democratic National Convention where Hillary Clinton was officially named the party's presidential nominee, is the second batch in a series that has deeply rattled the party and prompted the organization's chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to step down. (Reporting by Ginger Gibson and Dustin Volz; Editing by Sandra Maler)