Exclusive: Will Mellor keen to bring back Two Pints of Lager as thank you to fans

Will Mellor is keen to bring back his classic sitcom. (Getty)
Will Mellor is keen to bring back his classic sitcom. (Getty)

Will Mellor has said he is still keen for a Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps revival as it would be a great way to thank the sitcom's loyal fans.

Mellor, who has recently appeared in Strictly Come Dancing and Coronation Street, starred in the Noughties comedy alongside Ralf Little, Sheridan Smith, Natalie Casey and Kathryn Drysdale.

Read more: Will Mellor's dream to host Top Gear after terrifying driving show

A comeback for the sitcom, which ran from 2001 to 2011 at the BBC, has been spoken about previously with series creator Susan Nickson writing a new script and Mellor declaring his interest, but he said that they were still trying to find a broadcaster to pick it up.

Mellor, who appeared alongside friend Keith Lemon in Dave series World's Most Dangerous Roads on Sunday, said he was still keen to bring back Two Pints of Lager.

Ralf Little and Will Mellor
Ralf Little and Will Mellor starred in Two Pints of Lager together. (Getty)

He said: "I've always said I would love to do it, I love playing the character and would love to revisit where they would be now and so much good stuff could have happened (to them).

"People love the show and it's nostalgia for people. For the people that supported the show and kept it going for 10 years, I'd like to do it for them.

"But the problem that you've got now is, that the powers that be have...who's going to make this?"

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He added: "Susan Nickson, who wrote it, has got a script, it's called Two Pints Last Orders, but it's getting the cast together, who would do it, who wouldn't.

"I can only say for myself that I would do it, and I know Ralf would be interested, but the rest, I don't know.

"It's out of my hands, to be honest. I'm quite free in what I want to do, I want to do as much as I can, but I can't speak for everyone else so we'll have to wait and see."

Will Mellor and Keith Lemon took on some of the world's most dangerous roads. (Dave/UK TV)
Will Mellor and Keith Lemon took on some of the world's most dangerous roads. (Dave/UK TV)

Mellor's recent appearance on World's Most Dangerous Roads saw him drive treacherous routes in Albania with comedian Lemon, and he said that his star turn on last year's Strictly had encouraged him to step outside of his comfort zone.

He said: "You spend a lot of your career being told what would be good for you to do...you're advised by agents, but life is about doing things you want to do and making memories and stepping out of your comfort zone.

"That was why I did Strictly, they asked me for years and I said no because I wasn't ready.

Will Mellor and Nancy Xu in Strictly Come Dancing. (BBC)
Will Mellor and Nancy Xu in Strictly Come Dancing. (BBC)

"Then I lost my Dad, and I've lost a few people in my life now and I suddenly realised you can't let life pass you by, you've got to do things, so Strictly was that."

Mellor, 46, added that he would like to make a travel show aimed at helping people on a tight budget to see the world, and also wanted to write a book about his life experiences.

He said: "I want to do all the things that I've always been scared of doing now, I'm just going to go out and do it, not worry about what everyone else thinks and do what I would like to do. Broaden my horizons."

World's Most Dangerous Roads continues on Sunday at 8pm on Dave.

Watch: Will Mellor and Keith Lemon take on Albania's treacherous roads