Windsor Jewish community leader criticized by Israeli envoy as 'cynically exploiting' Gaza conflict

The entrance to the Windsor Jewish Community Centre on Ouellette Avenue. (CBC News - image credit)
The entrance to the Windsor Jewish Community Centre on Ouellette Avenue. (CBC News - image credit)

The executive director of the Windsor Jewish Federation (WJF) says he felt hurt and humiliated to have his support for Israel questioned by an official Israeli envoy.

"I was attacked personally," said Dan Brotman about the Facebook comments of Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal.

"That's not what diplomats are supposed to do. The whole point of being a diplomat is to be diplomatic."

Dan Brotman, executive director the Windsor Jewish Federation, speaking with CBC Windsor via Zoom on Jan. 4, 2024.
Dan Brotman, executive director the Windsor Jewish Federation, speaking with CBC Windsor via Zoom on Jan. 4, 2024.

Dan Brotman, executive director the Windsor Jewish Federation, speaking with CBC Windsor via Zoom on Jan. 4, 2024. (CBC News)

The controversy arose on Dec. 21, when Brotman posted on Facebook celebrating an online workshop for Jewish  professionals considering relocation to Windsor.

Part of the WJF's 'Welcome Home Windsor' program, the workshop was attended by almost 50 Israeli doctors. Re-licensing for medical professionals was among the topics of detailed discussion.

Hirschson was not impressed. The Consul General wrote: "Is it cynicism or irony that while you actively work to weaken Israel's ability to treat our wounded, the executive director of the Windsor Jewish Federation 'Stands With Israel?'"

Hirschson specified that the criticism was a personal one levelled against Brotman — not against the WJF.

Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal.
Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal.

Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal. (Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies, Concordia University)

In Facebook comments, some members of Windsor's Jewish community were quick to defend Brotman, adding comments about his local efforts on behalf of Israelis.

The online controversy has drawn the attention of Israeli-oriented news outlets such as the Jewish News Syndicate and the Jerusalem Post.

Reached on Thursday, Brotman said he's grateful for the moral support of the local Jewish community. But he's still troubled that his loyalty to Israel was questioned.

"It was very hurtful. I'm an Israeli citizen. I served in the Israeli army. I essentially felt that I was being called a traitor — publicly," Brotman told CBC Windsor.

Westmount Square, location of the Consulate General of Israel in Montreal.
Westmount Square, location of the Consulate General of Israel in Montreal.

Westmount Square, location of the Consulate General of Israel in Montreal. (CBC News)

The workshop, Brotman says, was meant for Jews considering a move to Windsor from anywhere in the world. The WJF started the 'Welcome Home Windsor' program around two years to actively market the city and region as a prospective home for Jewish emigres.

"We are by no means trying to steal doctors or professionals specifically from Israel," Brotman said.

Brotman says the initiative is necessary for the future of Windsor's Jewish community, which is currently around 1,000 people — its lowest number in generations.

"The Windsor Jewish community is the only Jewish community in all of Canada that's shrinking," Brotman said. "The majority of our community is over the age of 65... We desperately need to grow."

Brotman said he has personally messaged Hirschson, but has received no response.

Brotman wonders why Hirschson did not bring his concerns to him privately, or reach out to Idit Shamir, Consul General of Israel in Toronto, who has purview over the WJF.

"My board will be sending a letter to him," Brotman said.

Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal, speaks with CBC Windsor via Zoom on Jan. 4, 2024.
Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal, speaks with CBC Windsor via Zoom on Jan. 4, 2024.

Paul Hirschson, Consul General of Israel in Montreal, speaks with CBC Windsor via Zoom on Jan. 4, 2024. (CBC News)

The Consul General of Israel in Montreal said he has no interest in arguing further with Brotman.

Reached Thursday, Hirschson stood by his opinion that Brotman is "cynically exploiting" Israel's current state of affairs.

Hirschson says Brotman has a private business that helps professionals relocate internationally.

"To try to recruit Israelis, Israeli doctors — the most sensitive profession that we need right now … I think it's a great tragedy," he said.

Dan Brotman, executive director of the Windsor Jewish Federation.
Dan Brotman, executive director of the Windsor Jewish Federation.

Dan Brotman, executive director of the Windsor Jewish Federation. (Dan Brotman)

Asked why he did not bring his concerns to Brotman or Shamir privately, Hirschson says Brotman advertised his workshop publicly.

"I think he's using it as a marketing arm to his consultancy. Once he's put it in public, it's in public. I can't take it out of the public domain."

Hirschson says he does not know Brotman or the Windsor Jewish community. "I'm sure he's a decent chap. What's that got to do with him misbehaving (on this issue)? ... Look, I'm not pursuing it," Hirschson said.

Meanwhile, Brotman can't help feeling he's being made an example of — a symptom of the ongoing judicial reform in Israel that Brotman fears will transform the country into an authoritarian state.

"In a liberal democracy, no government official should have any opinion over where people choose to live, whom they marry, or how they choose to practice their religion," Brotman said.

"That is a matter of personal choice. And the state should be focusing on providing social services and security for their citizens. Not policing their personal choices."