Windsor library and union reach a tentative deal with no cuts to library services

A strike by 70 workers at the Windsor Public Library has been avoided. The library board reached a tentative agreement just after midnight Saturday with CUPE Local 2067.

No details of the settlement have been released. But Coun. Mark McKenzie, who chairs the board, says the two sides were able to reach a deal with no cuts to service.

"I can tell you that it's a fair and equitable deal not only for the workers but also for the residents of Windsor, Essex," McKenzie said Sunday.

McKenzie would not say whether the deal includes increasing Sunday hours at library branches.

The union was concerned weekday hours would be cut in order to add hours on Sundays without incurring any more costs.

In a news release, CUPE local president Dan Rutherford called the negotiations, which have been ongoing since the beginning of the year, "difficult."

"Next, our priority is to review this proposal with our members so they can make an informed decision on whether to accept it or not. After a ratification vote has taken place, the details of this agreement will be made public," said Rutherford.

No date for a ratification has been set. Once the union ratifies the deal, the library board will approve it. Then it goes to city council for approval.