Woman arrested after car crashes into restaurant

A 26-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving after a car crashed into a restaurant in Bradford.

West Yorkshire Police were called to reports that a Volkswagen Golf had crashed into Lahore Butt Karahi, on Listerhills Road, at 00:08 BST.

Three people, believed to be employees at the restaurant, were taken to hospital with minor injuries.

West Yorkshire Police said that inquiries were ongoing.

Structural work at restaurant after crash
The building is now being looked at by experts to determine next steps [BBC]

Parvez Khan, owner of Lahore Butt Karahi, said the three injured employees were closing the restaurant when the incident took place.

"I'm worried about the people who are injured," he said.

On the safety of the building, Mr Khan said: "We've made it safe now.

"Obviously we're going to be out of action for a while now.

"We need the specialists to have a look and see where we go from here."

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