Woman Gives Brutally Honest Response To Reporter Before Queen Elizabeth's Death

CNN correspondent Scott McLean got a frank, if unexpected, response from a pedestrian when he asked for her thoughts on Queen Elizabeth II, just moments before it was announced that the British monarch had died at the age of 96.

McLean was reporting from Windsor Castle on Thursday when he tracked down a woman identified only as Kate and asked for her reaction to news that the queen had been placed under medical supervision after doctors grew worried about her failing health.

“I think it’s pretty sad when anyone gets in that position ― you wouldn’t want that to happen to your own family member,” Kate said. “But I’m not the biggest fan of the queen, or the monarchy in general. So I wasn’t that upset or overwhelmed by it.”

When McLean pressed for clarification as to why Kate felt disenchanted by the monarchy, she alluded to “British colonial history” as well as “a lot of things that have gone on, which have been quite shady,” including the recently dismissed sexual abuse lawsuit against the queen’s son Prince Andrew.

“So, yeah, I’m not really their biggest fan,” she added.

McLean, who had likely expected Kate to provide a more sympathetic take on the situation, ended the conversation immediately after that.

“Nice talking to you,” he said, before moving on to other interviewees.

Shortly after the segment aired, the palace confirmed that Queen Elizabeth had died at Balmoral Castle, her Scottish country residence, with members of the royal family at her side. Her son, now King Charles III, immediately ascended to the throne following his mother’s death.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
