Woman left topless in prison cell accuses police of sexual assault as hours of footage ‘missing’

Woman left topless in prison cell accuses police of sexual assault as hours of footage ‘missing’

A woman left lying topless in a jail cell has alleged she was drugged and sexually assaulted while being held by Greater Manchester Police.

Zayna Iman was arrested by police officers responding to a welfare callout about a woman high on cocaine on 5 February 2021.

The 38-year-old was detained for 40 hours, with some of her treatment captured on CCTV. However, Sky Newsreported that three hours of footage from her ordeal are missing.

Ms Iman was arrested at 1.53am and body-cam footage from an officer shows she was bundled into a police van six minutes later.

A nearby CCTV camera captured a police officer entering the van through a side door, but there is no body-cam footage of the journey, according to Sky News. The ride to a nearby station should have taken 10 minutes but Iman isn’t seen on video again until 3:26am, the broadcaster adds.

CCTV footage from the station shows Iman, apparently unconscious, being carried into a cell by three female officers.

“I’m being restrained despite not being responsive, I’m handcuffed,” Ms Iman, who has waived her anonymity, told the news channel.

“My jeans are taken down, my underwear is cut off – knickers and the bra, as well as the top. They then put oversized custody shorts, with a belt on, and leave me face-down in the cell. Still unconscious, with no top on and no blanket given.

"Instead of providing an unconscious female with medical attention, they thought, ‘I know let’s take her clothes off instead and leave her there.’”

Zayna Iman has made serious allegations against Greater Manchester (Sky News)
Zayna Iman has made serious allegations against Greater Manchester (Sky News)

Ms Iman obtained the footage using a subject access request, and shared it with former chief superintendent of GMP, Martin Harding, who said the strip search was unjustified.

“She’s left face-down, hands behind her back, when they suspect she might have had a drug overdose,” he told Sky News.

“Where is the duty of care and what was the justification for doing any of that? I see no justification at all, I expected to see on the custody record, the custody sergeant give the authority and explain the grounds for a strip search.”

The investigation by Sky News showed the sequence of events in the video footage and custody logs “don’t match”.

“Why would you withhold footage?” Ms Iman asked. “The very footage that could either prove or disprove my allegations you will not part with.

“Who’s got something to hide? I’m openly saying that at some point during my detention with Greater Manchester Police, I was drugged and sexually assaulted, prove me wrong – give me the footage.”

Ms Iman further claims she was sexually assaulted by more than one officer during her detention.

Policing minister Chris Philp said he was concerned by the allegations and would be raising them with GMP and the police watchdog.

“It does sound deeply troubling and it does need properly and thoroughly investigating,” he told Sky’s Kay Burley on Wednesday morning. “I’m going to make sure the IOPC [the Independent Office for Police Conduct) are aware of this ... and draw this case to their attention.”

In a statement on Wednesday afternoon, GMP’s deputy chief constable, Terry Woods said: “I want to make it absolutely clear that we understand and share the concerns of the public regarding allegations against Greater Manchester Police which were aired in a television report today.

“Having reviewed the content of the television report which highlights additional concerns, I have taken the decision to make another referral to the IOPC in order to assure Miss Iman and the public that all of her allegations will be rigorously and independently reviewed,” he added.

A spokesperson for the IPOC: “We received a complaint referral in May 2022 from Zayna Iman in relation to allegations about her treatment in police custody at Pendleton Police Station. Following careful consideration of the available information we directed the force to carry out a local investigation in July 2022.

“In light of the new information and concerns raised in media reports today we have been in further discussions with Greater Manchester Police and agreed with them that they should submit a new referral so we can assess new information.

“We will be reviewing existing and additional information before determining if any further action is required from us.”

Rape Crisis offers support for those affected by rape and sexual abuse. You can call them on 0808 802 9999 in England and Wales, 0808 801 0302 in Scotland, and 0800 0246 991 in Northern Ireland, or visit their website at www.rapecrisis.org.uk. If you are in the US, you can call Rainn on 800-656-HOPE (4673)