Woman reveals ‘iconic’ results after adding her credit score to her dating profile

A woman has been flooded with potential dates after she added her credit score to her dating profile.

Leah Nicewander took to TikTok earlier this month to share with her followers the shocking amount of matches she received from male suitors after she included a screenshot of her high FICO credit score to her Hinge profile.

“I put my credit score in my dating profile and this is what happened,” she wrote over the TikTok video. On her Hinge profile, Nicewander boasted about her 811 FICO score when she captioned the screenshot, “Lowkey flex”.

As for the responses she received, her Hinge matches seemed to be impressed with Nicewander’s responsible finance skills. One Hinge user named Thomas replied, “Alright easy. Don’t turn me on so early in the morning.”

Another male suitor named Alex wrote, “This is the best thing I’ve ever seen on this app. I’m sold.”

“This is sexy,” said Jake, while someone named RJ replied: “My kinda girl”.

While Hinge user Charles didn’t reveal his credit score, he did inform Nicewander of one financial perk he does have. “I have a Costco card,” he jokingly said.

A credit score is a three-digit number, typically between 300 and 850, that estimates how likely a person is to repay a loan. Depending on how high or low a credit score is, it can affect whether you can get a credit card, rent an apartment, buy a house, start a business, or even get a cell phone contract.

A low credit score, for example, can limit the choice of loans or determine if you can get one at all. People with low credit scores can borrow less compared to someone with a higher credit score or they can borrow money with a higher interest rate, which can then create more debt.

It seemed adding her credit score to her dating profile paid off for Nicewander, who revealed in the caption that she ended up going on “17 dates in 30 days”.

Nicewander’s video has since been viewed more than 1m times, as fellow singles on TikTok praised her for the expert dating move in the comments section.

“love this for you,” wrote one viewer.

“ICONIC,” said another.

“Lowkey biggest flex ever,” a third user commented.

However, some people cautioned Nicewander against revealing too much about her financial status in case that some men will be interested in dating her for the wrong reasons.

“All respect for you that’s great! I just personally wouldn’t want to attract any men who are interested in my finances but that’s me,” said one person.

“Oh never let a strange man know how much money and how good your credit is,” another warned.

“I did this with my 802 credit score and all I got was a bunch of insecure, broke dudes in my likes,” joked someone else.

Leah Nicewander isn’t the only single to get creative on their dating profile. Back in April, another woman went viral on TikTok when her Hinge match sent her a personalised resume detailing why he was the perfect candidate to take her on a date.

In the video, TikTok user Becca explained that she has a prompt on her Hinge profile that says she has a boat. She struck up a conversation with her Hinge match after he responded to the prompt and asked what he needed to do to be invited on the boat.

Becca shared a screenshot of their exchange, in which she replied to the man’s inquiry: “Present your qualifications.”

He then asked for her email address, and sent over his resume the following day.

“Enclosed please find my resume. After careful review, I believe you will find my qualifications exceed expectations and I would be the perfect fit for the position of Date/Guy To Invite On Your Boat,” the man wrote in the email.

One TikTok user commented, “Marry him. Getting a guy that has a sense of humour only happens one in 2,000,000 times,” while another one person said: “This is SO CHARMING. I love when people commit to the bit.”