Woops, the trailer for the rough-looking Mortal Kombat 1 Nintendo Switch port has a Steam achievement notification

 NetherRealm/@SamAberdeen1 via Twitter.
NetherRealm/@SamAberdeen1 via Twitter.

It seems the trailer for the widely criticized Switch version of Mortal Kombat 1 includes gameplay footage recorded from the PC version of the game.

Fans (via Kotaku) were able to spot a Steam achievement notification, something that obviously shouldn't be possible in the Switch version, at the 1:53 mark in the official trailer. Curiously enough, Nintendo hasn't taken the trailer down, which either means it hasn't been made aware of the goof or simply doesn't reckon it warrants re-uploading the trailer. Here it is, timestamped for your convenience - just check the very bottom right of the screen:

For some context, Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch has been heavily criticized for all sorts of quality issues, but chiefly for its downgraded graphics and character models compared to every other version. It's no surprise the six-year-old, mobile hybrid console isn't able to render everything at the fidelity of more capable platforms, but I don't think anyone was expecting it to look this bad.

The assumption, then, is that publisher Warner Bros., or potentially developer NetherRealm Studios, knew Mortal Kombat 1 didn't look awesome on Switch and used PC footage for the Switch trailer instead, although that's just an unconfirmed hunch at the moment.

Despite this this little goof-up, Mortal Kombat 1 seems a triumphant success by almost all accounts. Our 5/5-star review calls it "a superbly presented fighting game with something to offer players of all experience and familiarity with NetherRealm's sprawling MK universe."

If you really want to impress your friends, try out one of these Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities the next time you gain the upper hand.