Xbox honcho Phil Spencer's Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. was NUKED. To keep your virtual homestead safe, here's a guide to not following in his radioactive footsteps.

 Phil Spencer waving in power armor.
Phil Spencer waving in power armor.

What you need to know

  • Xbox has had its share of bad news recently.

  • Yesterday, Xbox closed four studios: Arkane Austin, Alpha Dog Games, and Tango Gameworks.

  • Roundhouse Studios and some members of Arkane were folded into other studios.

  • Many thought a player nuked Phil Spencer in Fallout 76 in retaliation.

The news surrounding Xbox has been gloomy recently. There have been numerous studio closures, exclusive games captained to other platforms, rumored and looming Game Pass price increases, and potentially more cuts on the horizon. So much talent was lost in the blink of an eye.

Microsoft seems to have been relatively quiet lately, failing to keep up with the hype train. Despite the impending release of Hellblade 2, their advertising efforts have been absent. Their marketing strategy, in general, has been lackluster at best. To make things worse, they launched a new controller on the same day as the layoffs, accompanied by the tagline "Feel the burn." Yikes. Needless to say, it's been challenging to be an Xbox fan as of late.

So, who do we take our frustration out on?

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That someone, at least on the surface, was Phil Spencer, the head of Microsoft's Xbox division (and the one many blame these days for those layoffs and studio closures). Having come across him in the hills of West Virginia, an X user named real1090jake has claimed he nuked Phil's C.A.M.P. site. After attempting some PvP, which Spencer supposedly declined, the player decided to take matters into his own hands. It's a lesson for all of us: nuking some companies means getting nuked yourself.

In an interview with Kotaku, Jake said, "It's not much to it. I've planned to catch him for a while now to see if he would agree to a fight. Trying to take him down was just a personal goal for me after I finished the main quest line." He continued, stating this didn't have anything to do with the recent layoffs, "I joked about attacking him because he hurt our feelings...[but] it's been my mission weeks before."

To verify, he shared some more screenshots with Kotaku. "He was the final boss in my eyes. In an RPG, I prefer to be the bad guy." Me too, Jake, me too!

Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. icon management
Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. icon management

So, how could Phil have prevented this? By hiding is C.A.M.P., of course! It's straightforward to do as well. All players need to do is:

  • Open the map.

  • Hover over your C.A.M.P. icon.

  • Select the icon

  • Select "Public Map Icon: Off."

That's it! Now, you won't get nuked unless someone manages to find your C.A.M.P. through sheer luck!

Do you have any tips for our dearly departed Phil Spencer? Perhaps you have some "gamer" moments you want to share yourself? Let us know in the comments, on social media, or by emailing me yourself! As always, happy gaming!

Fallout 76 | $39.99 at GMG (Steam)

Bethesda's MMO-style take on Fallout got off to a very rocky start in 2018, but since then, it's become a genuinely good game and a fun way to experience Fallout with your friends. With more players exploring its world right now than ever before, there's never been a better time to check it out.

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