Yemen's exiled president visits civilians in Aden

ADEN, Yemen (Reuters) - Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi arrived in the southern city of Aden on Saturday from Saudi Arabia to address civilian grievances including complaints about deteriorating services and delays in paying salaries, army and security sources said. The exiled Hadi is backed by a Saudi-led Arab coalition that has been trying to roll back gains made since 2014 by the armed Houthi movement, allied with Iran, and restore the president to power. His visit is expected to last several days. At least 10,000 people have been killed in the 20-month conflict, which has unleashed a humanitarian crisis on one of the Arab world's poorest countries. On Saturday, residents and medical sources said 12 people had been killed in a Saudi-led airstrike on the city of Hodaida. Two women were also killed in Taiz by mortars fired from a Houthi-controlled area that fell on their houses, residents said. (Reporting by Mohammed Mukhashaf and Mohammed Ghobari; Writing by Maha El Dahan; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)