U.S. scrambles to assess coronavirus' growing toll

An empty street is seen on Times Square following the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in New York City

By Maria Caspani and Doina Chiacu

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - Health officials across the United States scrambled on Thursday to step up testing for the coronavirus, trying to get a handle on how many Americans have been sickened in the pandemic.

The fast-spreading respiratory disease has widely disrupted life across the country, shuttering schools and businesses and leaving millions to work from home or out of work, hammering the economy and disrupting travel.

New York State tested more than 7,500 patients overnight and ordered three-quarters of state employees to work from home, while the governor of neighboring New Jersey warned that he expected the number of sick people in the state to spiral into the thousands.

More than 10,000 people across the United States have been diagnosed with the illness called COVID-19 and more than 160 have died, with the largest numbers so far in Washington state and New York. https://graphics.reuters.com/HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS-USA/0100B5K8423/index.html

The U.S. Senate was aiming to unveil details of a $1 trillion-plus coronavirus bill later on Thursday intended to help the U.S. economy weather the ill-effects of the growing outbreak. President Donald Trump has been eagerly calling for that package.

It would be Congress' third emergency coronavirus bill following a $105 billion-plus plan covering free coronavirus testing, paid sick leave and expanded safety-net spending, and an $8.3 billion measure to combat the spread of the highly contagious pathogen and develop vaccines to protect against it. Trump has signed both into law.

There are currently no approved treatments or vaccines for COVID-19, but several options are being tested.

The plunging stock market and surging death toll has caused Trump to sharply change his tone on the disease this week, demanding urgent action to head off a plunge into recession after spending weeks downplaying the risks.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, a Republican who is chairman of National Governors Association, said governors were holding a phone call with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday to demand action.

"We need all levels of government working together to get through this crisis," he said. Top of the governors’ list is a request for 50 percent of any new emergency funding approved by Congress to go directly to the states. They also want increased production and supply of test kits, ventilators and other medical supplies.


Some 500 flights were canceled after an air-traffic controller that worked at Las Vegas International Airport was presumed to have COVID-19, prompting the Federal Aviation Administration to order the control tower shut. It was the second such shutdown in the United States this week after a similar incident in Chicago.

With the United States slow to roll out mass testing for the virus that has infected more than 229,000 people worldwide, officials fear the number of known cases of the respiratory illness that can lead to pneumonia lags far behind reality.

Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, agreed the most important issue at this stage was getting accurate data by implementing the widest possible testing.

The U.S. State Department is set to announce a travel advisory applying to all international travel due to the coronavirus pandemic, warning Americans to return to the United States or prepare to shelter in place, Politico reported.

The advisory, the department's most serious warning, will also instruct Americans not to travel abroad, according to the report.

Trump declined confirm or deny that report at a midday news briefing, saying only that he was planning to meet with State Department officials later on Thursday.

"We haven't had the meeting yet," he said.

With more than 9,300 deaths worldwide so far, the fast-spreading epidemic has stunned the world and drawn comparisons with traumatic periods such as World War Two, the 2008 financial crisis and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

U.S. health experts fear the United States is on a similar trajectory as Italy, now the epicenter of the pandemic, where the government reported a record 475 deaths on Wednesday alone, increasing that nation's death toll to nearly 3,000.

U.S. stock markets, after initially falling again, reversed course, with the major indexes up less than 1% on Thursday afternoon.

But the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits surged by the most since 2012 to a 2-1/2-year high last week, as companies in the services sectors laid off workers with businesses shutting down due to the pandemic.

One sector where workers were busy - and unable to work from the safety of home - was the nation's 3 million janitors, housekeepers and maids, who are on the front line of the war against the virus, often working overnight and weekends to deep clean offices, airports and hotels.

"Everyone is scared," said Ali, who works for ABM, a maintenance and cleaning firm that employs more than 140,000 people. "We just keep going, let's do what we can."

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, the United State's top public health official, said Americans should continue to self-isolate and follow precautionary guidelines.

(Additional reporting by Lawrence Hurley in Washington and Laila Kearney in New York; Writing by Sonya Hepinstall and Scott Malone; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Bill Berkrot)