Zelenskyy reports successful counteroffensive in Sumy and Kharkiv oblasts

There are no Russians in Ryzhivka, Sumy Oblaast
There are no Russians in Ryzhivka, Sumy Oblaast

Ukrainian armed forces have successfully destroyed a Russian flag in Ryzhivka, Sumy Oblast, which had been installed by Russian troops as part of a psychological operations campaign, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced on Telegram. 

The report came following a briefing by Armed Forces Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi on June 10. Following the operation, Russian forces withdrew from the village.

President Zelenskyy confirmed that Ukrainian troops have secured control over the situation in Sumy Oblast, actively engaging and dismantling Russian subversive units.

Read also: Ukraine orders evacuation of 8 border settlements in Sumy Oblast

In Kharkiv Oblast, the Ukrainian military's counteroffensive persists. "We see what steps the enemy is planning and what redeployment they are doing," Zelenskyy stated. "We will respond."

Despite these successes, Donetsk remains the most challenging front, where Ukrainian forces are "doing everything to stabilize and protect" their positions, according to Zelenskyy. In the southern regions of Ukraine, efforts to strengthen positions continue amid ongoing conflict.

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