Zendaya Barbie champions diversity

Ever since its inception in 1959, Barbie had been subjected to many controversies, despite its tremendous popularity. Albeit having millions of fans worldwide, the petite adult doll – the first of its kind – is attacked for its unrealistic portrayal of female body, which critics argue, results in body image issues among young girls.

A lot many artists have come up with similar but more realistic dolls – like Lammily – who has normal bodily proportions, to combat the issue, but none of them could match the popularity of Barbie.

Although Mattel Inc., the makers of Barbie, aren’t motivated to change her proportions, they did broaden the iconic doll’s beauty standards, making her step out of her blonde image and embrace diverse looks.

One of the significant move was the launch of celebrity Barbies, modelled on influential personalities from all walks of life; there are Barbies after singer Beyonce, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bollywood star Katrina Kaif, etc.

Barbie has found her latest inspiration in actress/singer Zendaya Coleman, who is of multi-racial background. The 19-year-old celebrity found herself subjected to harsh criticisms for her red carpet look at the Oscars this year; Zendaya’s dreadlocks was then mocked by Fashion Police reporter Giuliana Rancic, who passed some impudent remarks, inciting a race row.

Zendaya later took to Twitter to express her thoughts.

“There is a fine line between what is funny and disrespectful,” Zendaya wrote. “Someone said something about my hair at the Oscars that left me in awe. Not because I was relishing in rave outfit reviews, but because I was hit with ignorant slurs and pure disrespect.”

“To say that an 18-year-old woman with locs must smell of patchouli oil or ‘weed’ is not only a large stereotype but outrageously offensive,” she added.

To honour Zendaya, Barbie decided to make dolls modelled exactly on her Oscar red carpet look – in a Vivienne Westwood gown and dreadlocks – championing diversity.

Zendaya is thrilled to have a Barbie after her, and she shared a picture of her version of Barbie on Instagram.

Mattel’s move has been commended by people around the world, including celebrities.

Meanwhile Nicki Minaj got chastised for her reactions to Zendaya Barbie. The Anaconda singer, while congratulating the teen, shared a picture of her own version of Barbie which was launched a couple of years ago. Minaj got trolled for trying to steal the show from Zendaya.

In pics: Celebrity Barbies