ZoukOut 2023 dance music festival sees 176 offenders caught by HSA for possessing e-vaporisers

The offenders are aged between 18 and 51, and will be fined a maximum of $2,000 as possession of e-vaporisers is illegal in Singapore

HSA officers (right) processing the details of those caught possessing e-vaporisers at ZoukOut 2023. (PHOTOS: HSA/ZoukOut)
HSA officers (right) processing the details of those caught possessing e-vaporisers at ZoukOut 2023. (PHOTOS: HSA/ZoukOut)

SINGAPORE — A total of 176 people - aged between 18 and 51 years old - were caught for possessing e-vaporisers at the ZoukOut 2023 dance music festival at Sentosa's Siloso Beach on 2 and 3 December.

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said in a media release on Friday (8 December) that these offenders were caught amid its operation, which is part of efforts to enforce the e-vaporiser ban in Singapore.

All e-vaporisers were seized and confiscated, while those who were caught with them will be fined.

Maximum fine of $2,000 for possession of e-vaporiser

The public are reminded that the possession, use or purchase of e-vaporisers is illegal in Singapore, and carries a maximum fine of $2,000. HSA will take stern enforcement actions on those who conduct illegal activities, such as the peddling of prohibited e-vaporisers to the public.

Information pertaining to prohibited tobacco products in Singapore is available on the HSA website and more details about the harms of e-vaporisers can be found on the HealthHub website.

Those who have information on the illegal import, distribution sale or offer for sale of e-vaporisers can contact HSA’s Tobacco Regulation Branch at 6684-2036 or 6684-2037 during office hours (9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday).

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