Parody election videos tickle voters

FilmNUAH's take on the Presidents. (YouTube screengrab)
FilmNUAH's take on the Presidents. (YouTube screengrab)

Since the General Election in May, Singaporeans have been coming up with parody videos about their election experience and have been sharing them online.

We give you the best three parody videos we've seen this Presidential Election:

Dr Tony Tan, chickens, sexy quotes and Mandarin

Presidential hopeful Dr Tony Tan's Mandarin is critiqued and slaughtered into pieces in this parody video made by DiarySG.

Popular blogger mrbrown joked that Dr Tony Tan is the new standard for Chinese exams from A1 to F9 to TT.

Tan Kin Lian's 'Hi-5'

When Presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian announced his "Hi-5" tagline, it was inevitable that a parody would be made about it. User joshxj created an amateur mash-up of Tan Kin Lian doing high-fives with popular Australian TV programme -- Hi-5.

Singapore presidential election symphony

User filmNUAH dubbed a Tan-Tan-Tan-Tan song over Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Who will be our next Presi-tan?