Singa the “will-he, won’t-he” Lion

For three decades he smiled and waved at Singaporeans from his spot on billboards, posters and brochures. He was dedicated to his task of making Singapore a kinder, more courteous place for everyone to live in, regardless of whether he had trousers on or not.

Then the news broke. On 15 May, Singa the Lion announced his resignation and impending retirement.

“I suppose it’s time for real people to step up and for the mascot to step aside,” he wrote. “It’s not that we aren’t a gracious society, or that kindness is not innate in all of us. But some days it feels like not very many of us believe in or care about expressing kindness.”

I asked on Twitter what people thought about his resignation.

Yuan Zhi asked if Singa’s retirement was real:

This, as it turned out, was a more than valid suspicion, as it was then announced that Singa could potentially make a “comeback”.

It’s an interesting PR move, but I'm not sure it's been particularly effective. Although Singa's resignation has got people talking, it seems unlikely that they're actually reflecting upon how kind (or unkind) they've been. They're more likely to be talking about the stupidity of taking a fictional retiring-or-maybe-not-retiring lion seriously.

And what about this "comeback", then? It's reminiscent of a children's show, where the MC exhorts children to cheer and scream and shout for their favourite cartoon character to come back out onstage and soak up their love and adoration. "Do you want to see XXYY come back?"


"Then let's cheer! Cheer! Cheer!"

Is this what we're supposed to be doing with Singa, then? Is his resignation meant to shock us into feeling tremendously guilty about our ungracious ways, so that we beg for his return as we promise to be good and never mean again?

If that is indeed the intention of the Singapore Kindess Movement, then it's a pretty condescending one. The state can never preach or chastise its way towards making the population more gracious.

So perhaps Singa made the right move to retire after all. He might make more of a mark helping to clean up migrant worker dormitories or being the next face of Pink Dot.