Heartwarming video shows foreign workers rescuing cat from drowning

Foreign workers rescuing a cat caught on video. (Yvonne Hairstyles/Facebook)

video showing a group of compassionate foreign workers rescuing a cat from a drain after a heavy rain has warmed the hearts of netizens.

The 30-second clip, posted on Facebook on Thursday showed foreign workers rescuing a cat from the gushing waters in the drain using a traffic cone.

“See...sometimes it is the people that a lot of people choose not to look at will rush in the first sec to save life that is insignificant to alot of people.. I'm touched and thankful for their brave and selfless act!” said a Tiffy HaoShao Foo

“Thanks for helping the helpless cat. God bless you,” said a Joycelyn Ong.

The incident took place in Bukit Batok West at about 6pm, according to the lady who recorded the video, known by her Facebook username as Yvonne Hairstyles.

In the video description she explained that she was on her way home when she heard the sound of a cat meowing in distress. It was a team effort for the three workers who were finishing work when they were approached to save the cat. Some lifted the drain cover, while one climbed into the waist-deep water in the drain to rescue the cat.

The clip has received 947 Likes and 626 Shares since being posted.