'Poorly implemented' lavish aid making Africa 'spoilt child of planet': Mandela aide

Pretoria, May 28 (ANI): Mike Kendrick, the founder of the Nelson Mandela backed 'Mineseeker Foundation', has warned that 'poorly implemented' lavish aid to Africa is turning the continent into the 'spoilt child of the planet'. "Africa is a spoilt child of the planet. It is not their fault. It is ours. It is completely pointless and totally detrimental to spend endless billions on projects that are well intentioned but badly thought out and poorly implemented," the Daily Mail quoted Kendrick, as saying. "The current government is apparently determined to repeat the mistakes of the former one," he added. His comments came after British Prime Minister David Cameron declared to increase spending on international aid by 34 percent, while cutting domestic budgets. Kendrick is now reportedly trying to arrange a meeting with Cameron to discuss his experiences about the impact of aid on developing countries. Kendrick said that there are many demerits of international aid, a view that is shared by Mandela. Richard Branson, who helped set up The Mineseeker Foundation in 2001, said international aid often paralyses local people from venturing into businesses because they become too much dependent on funds. "International financial aid, unless specifically targeted toward practical and ongoing projects, is of little use and should be stopped immediately to prevent yet more suffering," the paper quoted Branson, as saying. "We need to change lives permanently, not just whilst funds last, and develop sustainable sturdy economies that will transform lives on a long-term basis," he added. (ANI)