Weather Proof Your Cardiovascular Workouts

By Dave Tai (Guest Contributor)

Bad weather is a common occurrence that many brush aside as a simple inconvenience. However this seemingly non-threatening annoyance affects us on a global scale. Businesses can make a loss or profit depending on the weather; your mood can also be influenced by the weather; even the price of food is not spared by the weather. It is not a surprise then that most fitness plans too are under the mercy of the weather.

No matter how perfect your fitness plan for the week is, if it rains all outdoor activities will have to be cancelled. Even if most of your plan happens indoors in gyms or courts, travelling in the rain to get there might make you lose motivation and throw you off track.

Have a backup plan for rainy weather

If your cardiovascular schedule is a more complex one, involving split days and progressions, missing a session or two will really set you back. Therefore it is always good to have an alternative backup plan that can be done indoors or even at home to help you accomplish your goals. Since not everyone will have the space or money to afford a fully equipped in-house gym, here are some alternatives that will come in handy on rainy days.

The usual cardio workouts practised by most Singaporeans include jogging, cycling and swimming. However since these are all subject to weather here are some great alternatives you can do without leaving your television.


 Kids play skiprope on Morro Strand State Beach - Wholesome Family Scene
Kids play skiprope on Morro Strand State Beach - Wholesome Family Scene

(photo: Mike Baird)

Most people have tried skipping as part of their childhood games. Skipping is actually a great exercise for improving explosive power, endurance and even bone density. Skipping at approximately 60 to 80 skips per minute can be comparable to running at a speed of 10km/hr.

If basic skipping is too simple you can always up the level by trying harder variations. The alternate foot jump requires you to jump with one foot while the other is raised with the knee towards the chest. The jumping feet alternates the next time the rope comes under the feet. This motion is similar to jogging on the spot.

Also, another variation is the double under where you have to jump higher and swing the rope faster so that it passes under your feet twice before you land.

Mountain Climber


(photo: USASOC News Service)

Mountain climber is a full body workout that has great cardiovascular benefits as well. The mountain climber simulates the action used in climbing and activates similar muscle groups. Your arms and shoulder will need the endurance to hold the position, your core will have to stabilize your body as your gluteus and hamstring work to bring your knee up. With one simple movement hitting so many muscles, it is no wonder that the mountain climber is a favourite among fitness enthusiasts.

To begin, start in the push up position. Bring one of your knees up towards the middle of your chest. Then, let it back down to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg. Continue to alternate legs and increase the rhythm. To make mountain climber more interesting you can do it to the beat of a song you enjoy and vary your speed accordingly.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a basic exercise that most people would have done. Despite its simplicity, jumping jacks are effective at raising your heart rate and are great for toning your shoulders, arms and legs. Although jumping jacks are often a prime choice for a warm up, performing jumping jacks for extended periods can result in an effective cardiovascular workout.

Start with both arms by your side, your body upright and feet close together. On the first count, jump, as you land extend your legs out to the side and arms to shoulder level. On the second count jump and bring both arms and legs back to the starting position. On the third count jump and extend your leg sideways while swinging your arms above your shoulders until they touch. On the fourth count jump and return to the starting position.

A good cardiovascular workout can be achieved anywhere. Any form of rhythmic, repetitive aerobic exercise that is able to stress your cardiovascular system can be considered a cardio workout. Once you equip yourself with these alternatives, the weather will never be an obstacle when it comes to training.

By guest contributor and fitness instructor Dave Tai. Via, a Singapore Health and Fitness blog that aims to help you lose weight, keep fit, and live healthy. Click here to get our free guide “Eat Your Way to Health – Secrets of a Healthy Diet”.

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