By 2016, China Will Have 423 Million E-Commerce Shoppers Spending $457 Billion [INFOGRAPHIC]

Regular readers will already know that there are now over 200 million Chinese e-commerce shoppers who are spending about $40,000 per second. But with over half a billion people online in China, there’s clearly room for growth. This new infographic made by Go-Globe [1] gives us a good overview of where it’s heading: eventually towards 423 million online shoppers in China spending a total of $457.6 billion in 2016.

The figures suggest that China’s e-commerce scene will not grow exponentially in 2013, and growth will slow every year as the realistic saturation point is finally reached. While the growth in online shopping in the country was over 100 percent from 2011 to 2012, it’ll be down to just 22.8 percent expansion from 2015 to 2016. By 2015, Chinese e-tailers will be taking in 7.4 percent of China’s total retail value.

Aside from all the growth, the infographic gives a good summary of the current players [2] in the B2C e-commerce sector, which is dominated by Alibaba’s Tmall and the perhaps-soon-to-IPO 360Buy. There’s also market share info for e-payments providers in China, again dominated by an Alibaba company (Alipay), along with Tencent’s Tenpay. Here’s the full thing:

china ecommerce 2016
china ecommerce 2016

(Infographic source: Go-Globe)

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.

  1. Inevitably with different statistics providers, the numbers differ slightly. This one says 219.8 million e-shoppers in China in 2012, previously we saw the 242 million number.

  2. We have reported some more recent e-commerce market share stats than those shown in the infographic. The main omission is Tencent’s QQ Buy which is up to third place in the B2C sector at 2012 Q2.

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