5 End-of-Day Habits Successful People Swear By

Some run countries, others manage multi-billion dollar investments or multi-national companies, that generate a daily profit that’s longer than your mobile number. So what do these successful people do to de-stress, live life to its fullest and run successful empires? Here are 5 end-of-day habits most of them keep, to find the balance while still remaining extremely productive at work.

They Do Not Bring Work Home

Everything has a place, and there is a place for everything. In this case, work does not belong in the home. Successful people consciously make the effort to enforce this, and do not bring any work home. Once they are home, they spend their time wisely with family, friends or even themselves! This compartmentalisation from work helps boost productivity and focus in the long-end.

They Plan Their Time

Everyone is given 24 hours a day, but how do these successful leaders achieve so much? They plan their time and schedule appointments in detail and review their schedule the day before to prepare themselves. This is instead of just “winging it” or going with the flow, as and when something crops up. Whether it is planning for a date night, having a standing date to catch up with friends, or even the weekly trip to the supermarket - plan them in advance. This process of planning encourages a system of organisation and gives you a better control of your time.

They Make Time For Exercise

You’ve heard it a million times before, but exercising really does have a huge impact on your mental and physical health, and successful people understand this. On the mental health front, science has shown that with consistent exercise it helps boost focus, creativity, confidence and adaptability - all of which are important traits at the workplace. On the physical front, exercising helps your body release chemicals that are essential to overall health and fitness. Not to mention it also reduces the risk of stress-related illnesses like heart diseases, diabetes or depression.

If Barack and Michelle Obama could spare time for a daily gym session when they were in the White House, what excuse do you have not to?

They Read Books

Did you know that Bill Gates reads about 50 non-fiction books a year? He does so because it allows him to learn new things, test and hone his understanding while helping him see things from a different perspective. Perhaps one of the easiest habits to pick on this list, reading for an hour daily gives you introspection, and allows you to pick up new soft or hard skills in the comfort of your own home. With lifelong learning the new way forward for Singapore, this habit is one that we can all try to pick up in order to remain current in the workplace.

They Make Time For Sleep

Many think that sleep can wait, but that is not entirely true. Successful leaders know that sleep is important because it keeps you focused, gives you the ability to digest information quickly and prevents you from falling ill. A well-rested mind with 7 to 9 hours of rest will be able to deliver more at the office, as compared to someone who had less. So next time if you are wondering if you should binge watch another episode of your serial drama on a work night, think twice.

Take a page from the diary of successful leaders and learn how to strike a good work-life balance by adopting some of their end-of-day habits. But if you are looking for more interesting stories, head on over here.



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