8 kid-friendly places to visit over the Lunar New Year

Yahoo illustration.
Yahoo illustration.

With the Lunar New Year fast approaching, we’re sure everyone – just like us – is looking forward to the long weekend. In the past, a majority of stores used to close for at least two days over the public holiday, leaving most malls as quiet towns. However, in recent years, we have found that many stores stay open, which definitely bodes well for us as we plan to maximise the number of outings with our four-year-old Barnacles and one-year-old Kwazii.

Here are the lucky eight suggestions that we recommend for a perfect family weekend.

1. Go for a staycation

While some of our friends are taking advantage of the long weekend to go overseas, a local staycation may be ideal if you want to go on a holiday and still be able to visit family and friends. Barnacles definitely enjoyed our last staycation – he spent a large part of it playing with the phone and hiding in the wardrobe. Changi Village Hotel is one good option, with more wallet-friendly prices than city hotels, and a rooftop infinity pool that kids and parents love. You could also visit Expedia.com.sg or Hotwire.com to get up to 60 per cent off regular rates for last-minute hotel deals.

2. Explore the Istana

How about spending the day with the kids exploring the Singapore Istana grounds on the second day of the Lunar New Year (29 January) when it is open to the public? Its sprawling, wonderfully manicured lawns are the perfect place to have a picnic and for kids to run around while watching outdoor performances. You can also learn more about the Istana’s state room, banquet hall and reception room as part of a guided tour. You can get more information here: http://www.istana.gov.sg/the-istana/open-house/visitors-information-0

3. Tour the National Museum

We brought Barnacles to the National Gallery last year and he enjoyed the Keppel Centre for Education, which had interactive and engaging activities for kids. However, he hasn’t visited the National Museum and now that he is a year older, he will be able to appreciate some of the programmes lined-up during the Lunar New Year weekend. For example, there are storytelling sessions with intriguing tales about Singapore’s history and heritage. You can get the full programme list here: http://nationalmuseum.sg/programmes/programme-list/lsoh-jan-2017

4. Have a splash @ Kids Amaze Safra Punggol

If you’ve heard the phrase ‘Like fish to water’ and your kids are anything like ours, then they would love Singapore’s first indoor water playground. Featuring an ‘Enchanted Deep Sea’ theme, it comprises a large 24,000 square feet play area with high winding slides as well as lower ones for younger kids. It also features a huge water bucket that fills to the brim before it pours, a wading area with merry go-rounds and several water guns. Four-year-old Barnacles loved the medium slides – he was a bit young for the tallest spiral one, and one-year-old Kwazii enjoyed splashing in the wading area and even going down the smallest water slides assisted. Check out their operating hours during the Lunar New Year here: http://www.safra.sg/enjoy/kidz-amaze

5. Hang out at Hokey Pokey playgym

There are two types of playgyms – the tunnel-style climb-about types, and the kind with many toys to play with. While the tunnel-style playgyms are great for older kids, the Hokey Pokey playgym at Seletar Mall is ideal if you have kids aged between 6 months to six years old, as it is a hybrid of the two. It features a small bouncy castle and a slide with a ball pit, as well as a large variety of toys. These toys range from dress-up costumes, ride-on vehicles, kitchen-cum-supermarket section, dollhouses and a dedicated section for babies and toddlers. The waiting area beside also has a counter overlooking the play area, so if your children are about three years old or older, you can sit outside and relax while keeping an eye on your kids. The last time we went, Barnacles had a ball of a time playing with the toys by himself and we are eagerly awaiting the day that one-year-old Kwazii will be able to play independently as well.

6. Visit Gardens by the Bay

If the kids have had just one too many pineapple tarts or sweet treats and you’re looking for a way for them to expend their excess energy, you could bring them to the Far East Organisation Children’s Garden at Gardens by the Bay, which has a number of water play features. Best of all, there is no entrance fee. Be sure to bring along swimwear and a change of clothes. There is also a smaller toddler play area for younger tots, and an adventure trail with slides and climbing features for older children.

7. Picnic in the park

Another option for a fun family afternoon out is to go for a picnic at Pasir Ris Park. There are several playgrounds with different types of apparatus catering to toddlers and older kids. Barnacles loved running around the playground and climbing up the slopes. Alternatively, West Coast Park is another good option, as it also has large playgrounds and an adventure play area for kids of varying ages.

8. Make lanterns with red packets

As many stores hand out red packets with purchases, you might find yourself with an extra stack of red packets taking up space. One idea is to embark on a parent-child art project by making Lunar New Year lanterns with red packets. You can find a step-by-step guide at http://thenewageparents.com/how-to-make-red-packet-lanterns/.

Mummy and Daddy Daycare are the pseudonyms of a Singaporean husband and wife who are raising two young boys aged four and one, nicknamed Barnacles and Kwazii.

Get into the minds of this couple who describe parenthood as a lifetime adventure – you are always learning something new! Whoever said parenting was a walk in the park?