880,000 HDB households to get GST Voucher–U-Save rebate in October

Eligible households will receive a GST Voucher–U-Save rebate of up to $95 in October, depending on their HDB flat type. (Photo: Reuters)
Eligible households will receive a GST Voucher–U-Save rebate of up to $95 in October, depending on their HDB flat type. (Photo: Reuters)

Some 880,000 HDB households will receive the next instalment of the GST Voucher – Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebate in October 2017, said a release from the Ministry of Finance (MOF) on Monday (2 October).

Eligible households will receive a GST Voucher–U-Save of up to $95, depending on their HDB flat type. Distributed every three months, the U-Save rebate serves to lower overall household expenses and helps offset part of HDB households’ utility bills. The rebate is expected to cost the ministry $265 million over four quarters starting from July 2017.

According to the MOF, the rebate has enabled households in 1- and 2-room HDB flats to receive support equivalent to three to four months of their utility bills, while those living in 3- and 4-room HDB flats receive support equivalent to about one to two months of their utility bills.

GST Voucher–U-Save rebates due in October. (Source: MOF)
GST Voucher–U-Save rebates due in October. (Source: MOF)