Argentina Senate approves reform bills in major victory for President Milei

Argentina’s Senate has approved key state overhaul and tax packages proposed by President Javier Miliei, delivering an initial legislative victory to the libertarian leader in his campaign to deliver on his ambitious agenda.

Senators voted 37 to 36 to give their overall approval to the state overhaul bill after 11 hours of heated debate. But the lawmakers still must approve individual measures in an article-by-article vote that will last throughout the night.

If the Senate approves the bills with modifications, the lower house still has to okay them before Milei can officially pass his first law since entering office last December

Argentina’s Senate Wednesday night began voting on state overhaul and tax bills proposed by President Javier Milei in the most serious test to date of the libertarian leader’s vision of governance and change.

The vote opened after hours of debate overshadowed by scenes of violent chaos outside Congress in downtown Buenos Aires. Protesters urging senators to reject Milei’s program of harsh austerity and economic deregulation hurled sticks, stones and Molotov cocktails at police who fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowds.

If the Senate passes the bills Wednesday with modifications, the lower house still has to approve them before Milei can clinch his first legislative victory since entering office last December.


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