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'Big Brother Canada' Season 12: Donna Marshall felt 'let down' after first backdoor eviction

The 26-year-old from Hubbards, N.S., spills the details on her unexpected exit, and kiss with Todd Clements

Donna and Elijah await eviction results on Big Brother Canada Season 12 (Joanna Bell/Corus Entertainment)
Donna and Elijah await eviction results on Big Brother Canada Season 12 (Joanna Bell/Corus Entertainment)

On Big Brother Canada Season 12 Donna Marshall, the 26-year-old artist from Hubbards, N.S., went home after being completely blindsided in the first backdoor eviction of the season.

As we saw this week, Victoria "Spicy Vee" Woghiren became Head of Household (HOH), targeting Vivek Sabbarwal, but when Dinis Freitas won Power of Veto (POV) and took Vivek off the block, Spicy Vee put Donna up as the replacement.

"I really did feel defeated and obviously blindsided," Donna told Yahoo Canada. "I did not expect that."

"I literally thought it was Tola [Eam]. I put my hand on his knee and comfort him."

Big Brother Canada Season 12 schedule: New episodes air weekly on Sundays at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT, Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. ET/PT and Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT on Global TV
How to stream Big Brother Canada: Stream Season 12 live and on demand by adding the STACKTV channel to Prime Video, or watch on the Global TV website and app
Where to watch Big Brother Canada Digital Dailies: Keep up with the houseguests with Digital Dailies on the Big Brother Canada website

Watch Big Brother Canada Season 12 live and on demand by adding the STACKTV channel to a Prime Video subscription, 14 days free then $12.99/month

$13 at Prime Video

Could the 'Big Sisters' alliance actually be successful?

With another loss in the "Big Sister" alliance (the alliance of all the women in the house), could this pact between the girls actually work in the game? Donna thinks it will be easier with fewer women in the house.

"Well now that I'm not there, I'm clearly a target, they're going love that, they'll do great without me. The threat's gone, apparently," Donna said. "The one that was literally really looking out for them is gone, so we'll see how that goes."

"But I honestly think with less and less numbers, obviously they'll do better, but when it was a full seven like before, no."

Looking at her approach to alliances generally, if she could go back, Donna would have waited a bit longer before agreeing to any alliances.

"I would have honestly just waited a few days before committing to an alliance," Donna said. "Before I even went in there that was my strategy, but I kind of got roped up into this girl alliance thing."

'I kind of felt it was an insult'

While she was backdoored by Spicy Vee, Donna was particularly disappointed by Vivek in the house.

"I was really hoping Vivek would really help me in a situation, I would cheer him on when he's in those POV comps," Donna said. "I was the only one really cheering for him, everyone else didn't want him to win."

"But I like to see the underdogs to win. So when I was the position that he was just in, I kind of felt it was an insult. Hello? I'm a target, you're a target, we want to keep each other in here because if you're gone or if I'm gone, then they're going to look at you next week. So I kind of felt ... let down by him."

In terms the houseguess that's played the best game so far, Donna pointed to Dinis.

"He's playing a really smart game. He's very confident he doesn't talk too much. He listens. I think he's doing really good," Donna said.

"He's not on one side or the other. He's kind of in the middle, but he also has relationships. I think he's in a great place at the moment, so I would have definitely liked to emulate some of that in my game."

Todd and Donna hug goodbye in Big Brother Canada Season 12 (Joanna Bell/Corus Entertainment)
Todd and Donna hug goodbye in Big Brother Canada Season 12 (Joanna Bell/Corus Entertainment)

Donna spills details on her goodbye kiss with Todd

It wouldn't be Big Brother without a little romance, or a "showmance," and just as Donna was leaving the house we saw her and Todd Clements share a kiss.

"The whole season we were pretty much really good friends and when I had to start campaigning, and I did all the work, I realized, wow, I'm actually not going to be here tomorrow night," Donna explained. "He always wanted to try to kiss me and I'm like, no, it was definitely a very gradual romance, I guess."

"But then I just let him kiss me and I'm really glad I did. We definitely had chemistry and I definitely can't wait to see him when he comes out."

Watch Big Brother Canada Season 12 live and on demand by adding the STACKTV channel to a Prime Video subscription, 14 days free then $12.99/month

$13 at Prime Video

In terms of what initially drew Donna to be on the show, the self-described "entertainer" has had her eye on reality TV, and entertaining Canada, for a long time.

"I'm an entertainer ... and I always love creative outlets," Donna said. "I was in musicals growing up, I don't mind being centre of attention, as long as I am giving the audience something cool to watch."

"I've always dreamed about being in TV. Especially when I got older, I definitely saw myself in reality TV, because, not to toot my own horn, but I think I have a very unique personality and I feel like that is needed to be seen on TV. ... I was always thinking about, 'What does Canada want to see?' ... I'm here for their entertainment at home."