Getting the Hollywood look

Have you ever felt annoyed that some of our favorite Hollywood film stars never seem to age? Tom Cruise looks about the same this year in Mission Impossible as he did 20 years ago in the movie Top Gun.

Part of this is of course make up and photoshop editing! But there is another trick that many celebrities use that helps them look younger than their years.

I'm talking about growth hormone (GH). This is usually done via injections but that is troublesome, expensive, and can lead to adverse reactions when done incorrectly. Oh yeah, if you are in a competitive sport, its also illegal! So we want to use natural methods to boost it, rather than injecting it. Naturally produced hormones are very well regulated by your body.

Growth hormone is involved with more fat burning, more lean muscle, increased psychological well being, denser stronger bones, and decreased cardiovascular disease risk. Unfortunately, if you simply let nature take its course, GH levels are about half at age 40 as they were at age 20, and they drop continuously after that. At age 80, the average person is down to about 5%. Ouch!

Here are some tips on boosting this important hormone naturally:

1. Sleep Better. Most people don't get early, long, or restful sleep. Here is a blog post on sleep that I wrote. Quality sleep boosts GH. Sleep before midnight, at least 7-8 hours, and feel refreshed when you wake up. If any of these are missing, then GH production will most likely not be optimal.

2. Resistance Training. But of a specific kind. Use "big"exercises, (squats, deadlifts, chinups for example) and sets that last about one minute. The key is to feel an intense burning sensation in your muscles. That is lactic acid. Part of your body's process of clearing lactic acid is to release growth hormone.

3. Laughter. In a series of old studies (1980s) even the anticipation of watching a comedy show increased GH 87%!

4. Reduce refined carbohydrates. Stick to veggies and some fruit. Sugary and starchy foods tend to raise blood sugar which raises the hormone insulin. Insulin and growth hormone are inversely related. More insulin = less growth hormone.

5. Supplements. Three in particular are well researched to give good GH boosting results. Creatine, L-Arginine, and Glutamine. Supplements are very individual, and results may vary.

So work on steps 1-4 first - they are guaranteed to work! Go and get your Growth Hormone today.

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