'Datura' video shows allegorical oddness

A poster graphic for 'Datura'

As much about dream-like states or an exploration of life after death as it is a game, the PlayStation 3's upcoming Datura is full of odd choices and seemingly disconnected consequences.

A video recorded at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco shows Datura opening in a forest scene.

Anthropomorphic trees and hidden cabinets, disembodied hands, people and prizes trapped below frozen lakes -- these things pass for normal within the world of Datura.

Director Michal Staniszewski cites both Dante and David Lynch as influences; Datura's allegorical nature makes for easy comparison with other titles such as Myst, The Path, Dear Esther and Journey.

Datura on the GDC show floor: http://youtu.be/P2zgTjI1S5s