DBSK to make a comeback later this year

DBSK to make a comeback later this year

27 Apr – It was reported that the boys of DBSK will be making their comeback in the second half of 2012.

As reported on Dkpopnews website, in an interview prior to their final "Live Tour TONE" concert in Osaka, the duo stated, "We are preparing for a comeback in the second half of the year."

The duo remarked that as they have spent the first half of the year working in Japan, they are planning to return to Korea with a new image.

They continued, "We have not set an exact date yet, but we will make a comeback when the time is right."

As the duo have been holding 26 concerts for the past three month, both Yun-ho and Chang-min said that they will take some time off before making a new album. The latter stated, "We are doing our best to return with a new album before the end of this year. In order to make the best album, we will take some time off after this last concert to rest."