e27 discussions, if you could take a side-project full-time, what would it be?

e27 discussions, if you could take a side-project full-time, what would it be?

Sure, you love your company, it’s a fantastic product, but every now and then we fall victim to ‘grass is greener’ syndrome. What is yours?

I like my job. I get to write every day and can actually pay my rent.

Buttttt, just like all people, sometimes I get bit by the ‘grass is greener’ bug. I imagine a different life, a different product or a different entrepreneurial venture.

I have thought about starting e27 in middle-America (where I am from) called ‘Flyover Tech’. I have considered the idea of covering both left and right-wing protests without opinion and I (albeit briefly) wondered if I should go get an MBA.

The closest I ever got to starting my own company was a hot-pot delivery idea in Hong Kong. I think someone beat me too it, but if not, congratulations readers, you now have a 10 million-dollar startup.

Yet, as I think about this question (and hopefully you will as well), there is one answer that come back every single time.

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Cooking. Food. Restaurants. If I were to truly follow my side project, I would drop everything and join culinary school.

So, e27 community, what is your ‘culinary school’?

Let us know in the discussions below.

Copyright: peshkova / 123RF Stock Photo

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