EastEnders airs shock passion for Cindy in early iPlayer release

EastEnders spoilers follow from Tuesday’s episode (June 4), which is available now on iPlayer but hasn't yet aired on BBC One.

EastEnders’ Cindy Beale has betrayed Ian once again in the show’s latest episode – but not with who you think.

This week, Cindy strengthened her efforts to win back her ex-husband George Knight, despite previously telling Elaine Peacock that she was happy with Ian.

In Tuesday’s episode, Cindy and Ian were still not on good terms, after Ian found out about her and George’s kiss through Elaine.

cindy beale, ian beale, eastenders

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Cindy decided to organise a family dinner and movie night for herself, George, Anna and Gina at The Vic – with permission from Elaine.

Meanwhile, Junior was still suspicious of his dad, having previously witnessed an intimate conversation between George and Cindy in the street.

Cindy and Ian had an even bigger row about her relationship with George, and Cindy said that she needed to think about whether they had a future together.

junior, eastenders

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Anna spoke to Elaine and encouraged her to give George a second chance and hear him out, now the dust has settled on his betrayal.

Cindy visited George while he was making a paella dish ahead of their family evening, and she saw the chance to make her move – while Ian was at home preparing a romantic meal for her.

She admitted to George that she can’t stop thinking about him and wanted them to be together again, but George rejected her advances, questioning her intentions as a mother.

George managed to get Cindy out of the house just as Elaine arrived for a chat, and he confirmed that the kiss was a mistake and she was the one he loved.

george knight, cindy beale, eastenders

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Meanwhile, instead of returning home to Ian, Cindy decided to drown her sorrows with a bottle of vodka and stumbled into Junior outside Beale’s Eels.

Cindy offered Junior a drink, and she opened up to him about how much his dad had hurt her and had broke her heart.

Junior comforted Cindy, and in a shock twist, the pair shared a passionate kiss.

They were briefly interrupted when Cindy accidentally answered one of Ian’s calls. She told him she would be back in an hour, then returned to her passion with Junior.

Will this unexpected affair between Cindy and Junior continue?

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer, where most episodes drop early at 6am ahead of their TV broadcast.

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