Elderly man succumbs to injuries after Kharkiv shelling on June 10

Consequences of the Russian rocket strike on Kharkiv
Consequences of the Russian rocket strike on Kharkiv

A man who was injured in a Russian attack on Kharkiv on June 10 has died in the city hospital, Mayor Ihor Terekhov reported on Telegram.

It took rescuers two hours to get the man out of the rubble.

“This morning, a victim of yesterday’s shelling died in the hospital, the same one whom our rescuers spent two hours pulling out from under the rubble,” Terekhov said.

Read also: Russia attacked a recreation complex in Kharkiv Oblast, a man was killed

The 77-year-old man suffered numerous closed fractures, said the head of the Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, Oleh Synehubov.

Read also: Russian prisoners witness devastation of their military's strikes in Kharkiv

The Russian troops hit the Kyivskyi and Saltivskyi districts of Kharkiv with multiple rocket launchers on June 10, injuring seven people. Two houses, 70 garages and 22 cars were damaged. One of the munitions did not explode, so people were temporarily moved out of the house to detonate the ordnance.

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