Ella Koon expresses frustration over breastfeeding issue

16 Mar - Singer and first time mother Ella Koon recently expressed her frustration over the fact that breastfreeding mothers are still facing backlashes from other people.

As reported on On CC, the singer, who last year gave birth to son Gabriel-Antonio Maurellet, nicknamed bébé G, revealed on Facebook her own experience recently, saying that she was blasted by an unknown person over her decision to breastfeed inside a dressing room.

Ella stated that she was at a five-star hotel at the time, and was looking for a baby room. When she could not find one, she asked a staff's permission to use the dressing room instead.

"Suddenly, a middle-aged woman started throwing insults at me for breastfeeding. She was shouting over bébé G's head while complaining to staff over the phone that someone was breastfeeding," said Ella.

The singer said that her son was upset over the commotion and started crying loudly.

"I didn't know what to do," said Ella. "How can someone in this day and age still discriminates against someone breastfeeding. A baby drinking milk is the most natural thing in this world. How can a person screamed at a five-month baby? I was really upset then."

She also ended her post with a hashtag "breastfeedingisnotacrime".

(Photo source: hk.on.cc/hk)