'England's winning start' and Labour's jobs pledge

The headline in the Daily Mirror reads: "Just the job"
The headline on the front page of the Daily Mail reads: "Has Labour let the cat out of the bag on tax?"
The headline on the front page of the Guardian reads: "New calls on Starmer to discard Tories' two-child benefits limit"
The headline on the front page of the Financial Times reads: "Reeves pledges to tear down EU trade barriers in reset for relations"
The headline on the front page of the Times reads: "Go for the jugular, Sunak urged"
The headline on the front page of the Daily Express reads: "PM: Labour will run riot with your money"
The Daily Express says Rishi Sunak is warning voters that Labour will "run riot with your money" and that the party has "refused to rule out council tax hikes and a host of other rises". The paper also says "head boy Jude secures nervy win for England", with a picture of the England footballer. [BBC]
The headline on the front page of the i reads: "Labour accused of watering down housing reform pledges"
The headline on the front page of the Daily Telegraph reads: "Labour net zero plan's £4.5bn tax black hole"
The headline on the front page of the Metro reads: "I'm battered and bruised but still alive"
The Metro leads with news that Gordon Ramsay has displayed a "horrendous bruise" from a cycling accident as he told fans that wearing a helmet "saved his life". The paper also reports that a man "armed with a small pickaxe and a Molotov cocktail" was pepper-sprayed by police before being shot near a Euros fanzone in Germany. [BBC]
The headline on the front page of the Daily Star reads: "The Hangover"
And the Daily Star reports on football fans "pulling a sickie" after England beat Serbia 1-0. [BBC]
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