French far-right leader Bardella pledges to curb immigration, inflation ahead of elections

French far-right leader Jordan Bardella said Monday his party was ready to govern as he pledged to curb immigration and tackle cost-of-living issues ahead of the country's most divisive election in decades.

"In three words: we are ready," the 28-year-old president of the National Rally (RN) party told a press conference.

President Emmanuel Macron threw France into turmoil by calling the snap election after his centrist party was trounced by the far-right National Rally (RN) in a European vote.

Weekend polls showed the RN garnering 35-36 percent of voting intentions in the first round on Sunday, ahead of a left-wing alliance on 27-29.5 percent and Macron's centrists in third on 19.5-22 percent.

The telegenic Bardella, credited with helping the RN clean up its extremist image, has urged voters to give the eurosceptic party an outright majority to allow it implement its anti-immigration, law-and-order programme.


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