G7 leaders reach 'political' deal on Ukraine funds

G7 leaders agreed Thursday at a summit in Italy on a new $50 billion loan for Ukraine using profits from frozen Russian assets, a US official said.

"We have political agreement at the highest levels for this deal," a senior Biden administration official said on condition of anonymity.

"And it is $50 billion this year that will be committed to Ukraine."

US President Joe Biden and the leaders of Italy, Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Japan on Thursday began two days of talks in Puglia, southern Italy.

Increasing support for war-torn Ukraine was top of the agenda, with President Volodymyr Zelensky joining the G7 leaders for a special session Thursday.

The EU agreed earlier this year to use the profits from the interest on Russian central bank assets frozen by Western allies after Moscow's February 2022 invasion of its neighbour to help Kyiv.

But the idea at the G7 is to use this money to provide more and faster help through a massive upfront loan.

The loan would be eventually repaid with the future profits – although there is a risk that the funding stream dries up if the assets are unfrozen, for example in the event of a peace deal.

Global turmoil

The summit comes at a time of extraordinary global turmoil.

Apart from the conflict in Ukraine, the Hamas-Israel conflict is raging and economic tensions are rising between China and Western countries.

Many G7 countries are also in political flux. Everyone in Puglia is aware this could be Biden's last G7 summit if he loses to Donald Trump in November US elections.

(with AFP)

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