Home remedies to get rid of a tan

Try these soothing and natural treatments that use ingredients available in your kitchen.

Cucumber juice
The cooling and soothing effect of cucumber makes it a great home remedy for dealing with skin problems like sunburn and skin tanning. Cucumber extract also revitalises skin, providing much needed hydration while reducing inflammation and irritation. Shred or grind a cucumber and then extract its juice. Dip a cotton ball in this juice and apply it all over the affected area. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off.
Photograph: freepik.com

Buttermilk and oatmeal
Buttermilk is rich in lactic acid, which helps brighten and even out skin tone. Regular use of buttermilk is known to diminish brown spots and other blemishes. The lactic acid acts as an exfoliator, helping shed the upper layer of the skin. Oatmeal is also popular for its exfoliating and cleansing properties. Soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in water (till it is submerged) for around 5 minutes. Then add 3 tablespoons of fresh buttermilk and mix. Apply this paste on the affected areas and rub in circular motions. Let it stay on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
Photograph: freepik.com

Sandalwood and rose water
This is an age-old, popular remedy for dealing with a stubborn tan. Its cooling and soothing properties, that calm inflamed skin, give relief to skin that’s felt the harsh rays of the sun. A natural astringent, sandalwood also improves skin texture and tone, while its antiseptic properties help combat acne and other skin issues. For its part, rose water, a natural toner, restores your skin’s pH balance, combats pigmentation and reduces inflammation. Mix 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder with a little rose water to form a paste. Apply this all over your face, neck, and arms. Wash off with cold water once the paste has dried.
Photograph: bookpitaara / Instagram

Potato juice
Known as a strong bleaching agent, the juice of a raw potato will help you effectively remove a tan. Potatoes contain a number of vitamins and phytonutrients, with anti-ageing properties, that help treat sunburn and blemishes. Also, the starch and sugar present in the vegetable work as exfoliators, getting rid of dead skin and boosting skin cell renewal. Juice a raw potato and extract the juice. Apply the juice on the affected areas. Keep it on for 15 – 20 minutes, and then rinse off.
Photograph: jcomp /freepik.com

Orange peels
Oranges contain high concentration of vitamin C and calcium, which are known to repair damage from sun exposure, control the damage of free radicals on your skin, and lighten pigmentation and brown spots. Its antioxidant properties will give your skin a boost, aiding in cell regeneration. The vitamin C in oranges also encourages collagen production, which helps diminish fine lines giving you firm, youthful skin. Grind some dried orange peels to make a powder. Mix 2 tablespoons of the powder with 1 tablespoon of milk or honey to form a paste. (Milk and honey both moisturise and sooth the skin.) Apply it on your skin and leave it on for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Photograph: freepik.com

Lead photograph: freepic.diller /freepik.com