Indian diplomat turned artist presents his work on planetary consciousness

New Delhi, Apr. 27 (ANI): Marking his debut in painting, Abhay Kumar, an Indian diplomat turned poet and artist, exhibited his collection in national capital New Delhi recently to mark the establishment of Indo-Russian diplomatic ties. The art exhibition was titled: "We Have Come Far". Earlier, he has exhibited his works in Paris and St. Petersburg. He said: "We have come far" as a journey of life itself, from a state of non-being to the state of being, 10,000 years of civilization's journey from the River Valley days when the human society was divided into clans and tribes to the Silicon Valley today when the planet has turned into a small village." Kumar joined the Indian Foreign Service in 2003 and studied the Russian language, history and literature at the Centre of International Education, Moscow State University. He served earlier in Moscow at the Embassy of India and as Consul at the Consulate-General of India in St. Petersburg. He is presently posted at Public Diplomacy (PD) division of the Ministry of External Affairs, India in New Delhi. "I have very consciously got into diplomatic service where you travel, where you feel everywhere at home. There is no other country for a diplomat and as a poet, as an artist, I want to show this spirit of borderlessness, this spirit of unity of the mankind, which was chanted in our ancient Sanskrit texts," said Kumar. He has authored many books, among which few prominent includes are "River Valley to Silicon Valley", "Enigmatic Love", "Fallen Leaves of Autumn", "10 Questions of the Soul" etc. His forthcoming book "Candling the Light" will be published next month. For future, Kumar wants to see everyone to be together with the help of technology. "I emphasize on mobile phones because India has today 771 million mobile phones with an increase of 15 million every month and what can be more democratic than that. That's the story of the whole planet. We have got now the technology in our hands to come together and that's the message through my art that humanity has finally found its voice where each and every individual on the earth can have a saying in what's going on! That's the journey I look forward." He is a regular contributor to The Times of India, Diplomatic Square, India Abroad, Literary St. Petersburg, and other periodicals. His art works have been exhibited and appreciated in several countries, including France and Russia, and have found a place in private collections in France, Japan, the Netherlands and Russia. (ANI)