Inside No. 9 fans 'can never unsee' the horror of penultimate episode

Curse of the Ninth has been hailed by fans online

Inside No. 9 (BBC)
Inside No. 9's most recent episode Curse of the Ninth has been hailed by viewers who were left terrified by the gothic horror. (BBC)

Inside No. 9 is almost at its end, and viewers were left cowering on their sofas by the BBC show's penultimate episode: Curse of the Ninth.

The episode was compared to M.R. James and other gothic horror writers like Edgar Allan Poe by fans thanks to its chilling tale of a talented piano-turner (Reece Sheersmith) confronting a centuries-old curse in widow Lillian's (Natalie Dormer) large country house. The narrative lends itself to horror, with The Curse being represented by James Swanton who hides in plain sight until he attacks when a composer ends their ninth symphony.

While some critics were not as taken with the episode as previous ones, viewers were besides themselves over the horror they witnessed and many shared their thoughts on social media.

Inside No. 9 (BBC)
The episode follows a composer who becomes entwined in a centuries-old curse. (BBC)

One person wrote that they could "never unsee" what they'd witnessed in Curse of the Ninth, writing: "That episode was amazing. I didn’t think I could be scared that much anymore but it was filled to bursting with horrific imagery I can never unsee LOVED IT!!!"

Read more: Inside No. 9 viewers left terrified of trains after series best episode

Another viewer spoke of how the show's final series has exceeded their expectations, as they wrote: "Very much enjoyed last night's M.R. James flavoured episode, The Curse of the 9th. This final series is proving to be one of the best." While a different viewer said: "Another sublime #InsideNo9 this one in particular would make an excellent film"

One viewer said the episode was "a nice mix of MR James style horror and broad comedy", while another fan of the series wrote: "‘The Curse of the Ninth’ has EVERYTHING I could've hoped for! Eerieness, great humour, beautiful costumes and location, brilliant guest actors and a gripping story! New favourite episode of #InsideNo9"

Another said: "Well #InsideNo9 last nights episode was as always brilliant ! A proper gothic mix of Poe and M.R.James !! Excellent stuff". One person added: "Tonight’s #InsideNo9 has immediately become a favourite."

Fans of Inside No. 9 also shared their thoughts on the eight series in general, with some calling it the "absolute perfect send off" and another arguing that no one can "actually admit to watching one bad episode of #InsideNo9".

With only one episode left to go before the show makes its final bow, others lamented the fact that Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton are bringing the programme to an end. Notably, viewers were curious what they could expect from the final episode given the creators haven't yet shared details.

Inside No. 9 (BBC)
The narrative lends itself to horror, with The Curse being represented by James Swanton who hides in plain sight until he attacks when a composer ends their ninth symphony. (BBC)

One person said: "Ohhhh the #insideno9 boys are too quiet after this weeks amazing episode, it’s making me so nervous to not know what’s coming but I love it!!"

Another jokingly shared a gif of a person with a board of clues, writing that it was "a gif of me between now & next Wednesday's #InsideNo9 finale, trying to piece together a puzzle I'm not certain actually exists with clues only I decided were clues, with no guidance and only my small army of black cats to observe my rapid descent into madness."

Little is known of the final episode of Inside No. 9 other than it is titled "Plodding Along" and that it will premiere on Wednesday, 12 June at 10pm.