Israeli military says attacked two Syrian army targets

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel attacked Syrian army targets after errant fire from fighting in Syria's civil war struck the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, the military said on Monday. A spokeswoman said two targets belonging to the Syrian military were hit overnight after the fire damaged Israel's security fence on the Golan, territory captured from Syria in a 1967 war. She gave no further details about the targets that were struck or the weapons Israel used to attack them. Two months ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel has launched dozens of strikes in Syria. Though formally neutral on the civil war, Israel has frequently pledged to prevent shipments of advanced weaponry to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah group, whose fighters have been allied with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Israeli military has also responded in the past with shelling and air strikes to mortar bombs that have landed in the Golan during battles in the Syrian conflict. (Reporting by Jeffrey Heller; Editing by Andrew)