How to Keep Your Cutting Board From Slipping Everywhere

We know you’re limited on food prep time, so why waste time trying to keep your sliding cutting board under control? We’ve got you covered with this awesomely easy hack that’ll keep frustrations in the kitchen to a low. All you need is a wet paper towel — or a wet dish towel if you’re dedicated to saving trees. Then just slip it underneath your block and your set to chop.

Blows my mind how something so simple can fix such an annoying problem. Happy chopping.

Chopping Struggle:

GIF by Clarisse Callahan
GIF by Clarisse Callahan

If you’ve got a cutting board like mine that likes to slide when you’re trying to slice, you understand how frustrating cutting food can be.

Step 1: Get a paper towel wet and lay it out on the counter.

GIF by Clarisse Callahan
GIF by Clarisse Callahan

Step 2: Lay your chop block on the towel and that baby’s not going anywhere.

GIF by Clarisse Callahan
GIF by Clarisse Callahan

Chopping Happiness:

GIF by Clarisse Callahan
GIF by Clarisse Callahan

Effort = 0 Reward = Perfectly Cut Food (and an unscathed counter)

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