Lee Da Hae drops photos from a shooting scene of 'Hotel King'

Lee Da Hae drops photos from a shooting scene of 'Hotel King'

Lee Da Hae dropped photos from a shooting scene of 'Hotel King'.

On April 5th, actress Lee Da Hae uploaded a number of photos of her Twitter, and wrote, "Yes.. This is how my shootings are going on. I'm an actress who sleeps anywhere, and I'd like to express special thanks to my manager for holding an umbrella for me."

Lee Da Hae also wrote, "Everyone, April 5th is the premiere day. Give me some help."

The photos show Lee Da Hae wearing a heavy jacket, and sleeping on a chair.

She looks to be deeply in a sleep, and a great number of fans and Netizens are showing great reactions for the photos.

Meanwhile, 'Hotel King' will premiere on April 5th at 9:55 PM.

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