Li Bingbing hospitalised for tonsillitis

18 Dec - Chinese actress Li Bingbing was recently revealed to have been hospitalised after falling ill during her trip to Australia to begin filming her Sino-Aussie movie, "The Nest".

According to Net Ease, the actress reportedly has been down with fever for 16 days while filming in the country, with doctors failing to diagnose the issue.

She was later sent home to Beijing, and was revealed to have suffered from purulent tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by various microorganisms.

According to a medical staff, the actress' tonsil has turned white, and she is currently having trouble speaking and eating. However, the good news is that her condition is slowly stabilising.

Li also recently ranted on Weibo about her experience being treated at a hospital in Australia.

The actress stated that one of the nurses made a mistake while giving her injection and sprayed blood on her bed sheet. However, instead of apologising, the nurse left without saying anything.

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