What is the next move of European socialists? | Radio Schuman

What is the next move of European socialists? | Radio Schuman

The socialists and democrats (S&D) came in second in the European elections, but did not gain seats - where do they go from here? As the group votes in its chair and vice-chairs today (25 June) and tomorrow, we ask where the group is heading.

Radio Schuman talked to Brando Benifei, a re-elected MEP from the Italian Partito Democratico that is now the largest delegations within the socialist family.

We dived into what it means for Ukraine and Moldova to enter into negotiation talks to join the EU, with the first intergovernmental conferences today in Luxembourg.

Lastly, we also looked closer at the ranking of the world's best universities. The list is again topped by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), based in the United States. Yet, Europe also hosts some prestigious institutes, according to the QS World University Rankings. Both the Imperial College of London and the University of Oxford were top 3 worldwide.

Radio Schuman is hosted and produced by Maïa de la Baume, with journalist and production assistant Eleonora Vasques and audio editing by Zacharia Vigneron. The music is by Alexandre Jas.