No, this video doesn’t show a Russian nuclear submarine launching missiles near Florida

Social media users have been circulating a video posted online on May 12 that they claim shows a Russian nuclear submarine firing missiles near the coast of Florida. Though Russia has deployed warships to Cuba for military exercises, in reality, the footage was filmed in 2018 in northwestern Russia.

If you only have a minute:

  • Social media users have been sharing a video posted on May 12 that they say shows a Russian nuclear submarine firing missiles during military exercises held near Florida’s coastal waters.

  • The video was actually filmed back in 2018. It shows military exercises that took place in the White Sea, an inlet located to the northwest of Russia. The submarine visible in the video hasn’t been deployed to Cuba for the current exercises.

The fact check, in detail:

Are we in a flashback to the Cold War and the 1962 Cuban missile crisis? A video published on May 12, which has since garnered five million views on X and many shares on Facebook, is said to show a Russian submarine shooting ballistic missiles about 100km off of Florida’s coast.

"What the United States can do to Russia, Russia can do to the United States,” crows one of the pro-Russian accounts that has shared this video on social media.

A video filmed in Russia back in 2018

While it is true that Russia is currently carrying out military exercises in Cuba, there is no link between the current maneuvers and this video.

No ballistic missile submarines in Cuba

Read more on The Observers - France 24