Pokemon Go now available in Singapore


(Photo: International Business Times)

The wildly popular mobile game Pokemon Go has made its long-awaited debut in Singapore.

As of Saturday (6 August) morning, Pokemon Go has been made available in “15 new countries and regions across Asia and Oceania” – which include Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan – and can be downloaded from both the Apple and Google Play stores, said a post on the game’s international Facebook page.

Pokemon Go has been a hit worldwide since being launched in early July, with the Brazil having joined the ranks of countries in which the game is available on Wednesday (3 August), just ahead of the Rio Olympics.

In Asia, however, the game’s roll-out has been somewhat slow with it being made available only in Japan and Hong Kong prior to Saturday’s wide release.

The game’s earlier unavailability in Singapore had sparked a bit of an uproar with the Singaporean chief executive of gaming hardware firm Razer, Tan Min-Liang, at one point criticising the government’s “schizophrenic” approach towards the gaming industry after a minister said that the authorities would have to study the game’s potential impact on society.

A location-based augmented-reality game, Pokemon Go involves players hunting for virtual “pokemon” with their smartphones.